Grown-Up Girls

Grown-Up Girls

Grown-Up Girls

PID- Wrong menstrual regime and hygiene is leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease and sexually transmitted diseases which are associated with thick or thin white discharge per vagina, itching in private parts, inflammation, painful urination and dyspareunia ( painful intercourse), irregular periods and mid cycle spotting. Ignorance of any of such symptoms will lead to vaginitis, cervicitis, and attracting bed for bacterial growth and convert into tuberculosis infection and lead to fallopian tube blockage and infertility. Planning of treatment based on the root cause. Ayurvedic detox treatments along with vaginal douche, dietary, and lifestyle correction will show tremendous results in PID.
Breast and cervical cancer-
Cancer / Tumor –
New growth is called Neoplasm. It’s an abnormal mass of tissue. The growth of abnormal mass exceeds even after no evoking stimuli and is uncoordinated with the normal tissues. Cancer is a common term used for all malignant tumors. Cancer is a tridoshic disease. Benign Tumor / Adenoma – Mild or nonprogressive growth, generally spherical or ovoid in shape, encapsulated generally, does not metastasis. Malignant Tumor / Carcinoma -Severe and progressive non-self limited growth, irregular in shape, poorly circumscribed, can metastasis.

Tumor markers – A tumor marker is a substance produced by a tumor that can be used to differentiate a tumor from normal tissue. Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme ( ALP)- evaluating metastatic cancer with bone or liver involvement y-Fetoprotein enzyme ( AFP)-in case of hepatocellular and germ-cell carcinoma CA 15-3 – in breast carcinoma CA 125 -Ovarian and endometrial carcinoma
Breast cancer and cervical cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in India. it generally impacts women of reproductive age. Any lump that feels different in the breast area, pain, inflammation, itching, rashes, physical appearance change in terms of shape, size, dimpling, and any discharge coming out from nipples are a few signs of breast tumor. According to Ayurveda, improper diet and lifestyle imbalance all the three doshas and metabolism and immune system that lead to obesity, hormonal imbalance, and disrupt mammary gland functions. Finally, cellular unwanted growth occurs in the form of a tumor. According to the root cause plan ayurveda diet, detox sessions, and Lifestyle correction which includes yoga and meditation practices.
Cervical cancer in women’s reproductive organs generally starts in the cervix area which is the lower part of the uterus. Affected women generally have a few symptoms: mid-cycle spotting, heavy or prolonged period bleeding, dyspareunia ( painful intercourse ), itching with white discharge per vagina, inflammation, and persistent pain in the pelvic area. Wrong hygiene practices, HPV ( Human papillomavirus )infection, HIV infection, Smoke, and wrong dietary and lifestyle practices will lead to vitiation of tridosha, Agni, and the immune system. Results in abnormal growth of cells in the form of tumors. In the early stages, we try to reduce the size of the tumor through detox sessions along with OJUS ( Immunity ) uplifting sessions, medicines, yoga and meditation, diet, and lifestyle correction.

CHILD CARE – Ayurvedic Immunization or Suwarnprashan – Auspicious nakshatra Pushya nakshatra is the time when newborn to upto16 years of age child orally takes suwarnprashan drops to enhance child OJAS, Tejas, and Bala each month. The key benefits of Swarna prashan are Swarna bhasma possesses antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-rheumatoid, and antidepressant properties, and it is a nervine stimulant. So, it enhances the kid’s brain growth, improves grasping power, analysis power, and recall memory. Increases digestion power

– Ability to treat different infections, allergies, and general weakness
– It builds defense mechanisms and immunity and prevents cough, cold, fever, and other respiratory infections.
– Immunization improves physical growth in the child.
– It helps to reach early milestone development.
– Ayurvedic Immunization Tones up skin color and texture.

Digestive Health- Early age is Kapha predominant. Due to the overconsumption of heavy foods, ice cream, cheese, junk food, and bananas, digestive fire is reduced and produces ama or toxins in the body. This condition causes constipation, cough, cold, abdominal colic, repetitive fever pattern, low digestive fire, different allergies, and celiac disease. Correcting a few dietary rules according to their body type will work for all. We plan detox in the mild form if required, deworming the gut every six months by detox to maintain healthy gut digestion and nutrient absorption.

LIFESTYLE DISEASE REVERSAL Diabetes – According to Ayurveda, Diabetes is one of the prameha that is madhumeha, characterized by urine, that is sweet. The primary causes of Diabetes are a sedentary lifestyle, day sleeping, excess consumption of curd, milk, and milk-based sweets, fish, newly harvested grains, jaggery, and Kapha-enhancing food. All the causative factors deplete the metabolism and create an imbalance. There are two categories of diabetic patients, Sthool-Pramehi and Krish-Pramehi. The treatment protocols alter according to dosha vitiation. Diabetes is a chronic disease caused when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or produces more than required. Raised blood sugar is a common symptom of uncontrolled Diabetes. Over time it can damage the cardiovascular system, kidneys, Brain, and other vital organs.

Type 2.Diabetes (Non Insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes )
Type 1 Diabetes (Insulin dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset diabetes)
Gestational Diabetes occurs during pregnancy
Symptoms of Diabetes
  • Excess urination ( Polyuria)
  • Excess thirst (Polydipsia)
  • Constant hunger
  • Weight gain or Weight loss
  • Vision changes or Diabetic retinopathy/Blindness
  • Fatigue
  • Nerve damage or Diabetic foot /Diabetic neuropathy
  • Reduced immunity for infectious disease
  • Pedal burning sensation
  • Risk factors of Diabetes-
  • Increased risk of heart attack and strokes
  • Kidney failure
  • Limb amputation

Early diagnosis of Diabetes and its management will reduce the risk of damage to other vital organs. Correcting diet based on the body type, metabolism through detox, and lifestyle can reverse the disease. Here are some Ayurvedic principles and treatments commonly used for managing diabetes: Diet: Diet plays a crucial role in Ayurveda. People with diabetes are advised to follow a balanced diet, emphasizing whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoiding sugary and processed foods is essential. Herbal Remedies: Our Doctor may recommend specific herbs or herbal formulations to help manage blood sugar levels. This will help you manage your diabetes in the most natural way. Lifestyle modifications: Regular exercise, stress reduction techniques (such as yoga and meditation), and maintaining a disciplined daily routine are essential components of Ayurvedic management of diabetes. Panchakarma: This is a detoxification and cleansing process used in Ayurveda. It aims to remove accumulated toxins from the body, which may be helpful in managing diabetes and its complications. Remember that individual responses to Ayurvedic treatments can vary, and it is crucial to consult our Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any Ayurvedic treatment regimen. Dr. Deepti Gupta can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific condition, medical history, and needs. Also, keep your primary healthcare provider informed about any Ayurvedic treatments you are pursuing to ensure coordinated care. Diabetes is a serious condition, and proper medical supervision is essential for its management.

High blood pressure (Hypertension) :

Blood pressure higher than the normal range (120/80 mm of Hg) is termed hypertension. Hypertension is caused by a wrong diet like, overconsumption of oily, fried, spicy food, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress, and lack of sleep and rest. Addiction to Alcohol, tobacco, and smoke. All the causes affect tridosha and rakta dhatu leading to Raktaghata vata or hypertension.
High blood pressure can damage the arteries and make them less elastic which decreases the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart and leads to heart diseases like chest pain (unstable angina), Aneurysm, Heart attack, Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and heart failure. Prolonged hypertension leads to organ damage like CKD ( Chronic kidney disease ), Brain stroke, and Pulmonary edema.
High blood pressure has symptoms like Headache, Anger or irritability, Epistaxis, Fatigue, vision problems, red eyes, breathlessness, irregular breathing, profuse sweating, trouble sleeping, morning sickness, and persistent back and neck pain.
At KIAAN AYURVEDA, we plan detox therapies based on the root cause, body constitution, and Agni, along with Ayurvedic medicine and a customized diet and lifestyle program.

Thyroid Dysfunction –

Thyroid is an endocrine gland with primary function of managing basal metabolic rate, cellular function. This contributes to optimum functioning of all the vital organs like improving heart, brain, kidney and liver. Hence thyroid dysfunction will impacts metabolism where the patient will experience water retention, body weight, internal body functions including hormonal health and can cause Gastrointestinal, Cardio respiratory, Hypertension, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion Anaemia, Normochromic, Delayed relaxation of tendon reflexes, cerebellar ataxia, Myotonia Dermatological -Myxoedema, Purplish lips, Malar flush, Carotenaemia, vitiligo and in many cases has impacted the reproductive system causing infertility.

Treatment: Thyroid dysfunctions can be treated with Ayurvedic therapies, herbal medicines. The early stage of Thyroid dysfunctions can be reversed with suitable changes in the diet, lifestyle and by involving exercise and yoga routine that will help TSH to normalize.

Treatment for Hypothyroidism

Vaman, virechana, nasya , vasti panchkarma measure is the primary approach in treating Hypothyroidism . We assess the root cause and agni dushti before planning for the detox. Every spring season detox session will help to reverse the disease. Rasayana kalpa along with Dietary and lifestyle corrections are also incorporated.

Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is related to teeksha agni or high metabolism which is associated with pitta vata pradhana tridosha disease named Atikarshya.

Early detection and treatment according to the root cause, clearing body channels through Virechan, nasyam, vasti panchkarma , Rasayana chikitsa , diet, lifestyle modification, yoga, and meditation will benefit in treating Hyperthyroidism.
The following are the two types of thyroid dysfunctions –

Thyroid dysfunction refers to a condition where the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, does not produce enough or produces excessive thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and various bodily functions. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to two main conditions: hypothyroidism (underactive) and hyperthyroidism (overactivity).
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